Black Capped Chickadee

Name (Latin):  Poecile atricapillus



Size: A small bird. Smaller than jays and swallows. One of the smallest birds seen at local feeders. 

                     Description: This tiny bird has a short neck and large head, giving it a distinctive, rather spherical body shape. It also has a long, narrow tail and a short bill. The bird has a black cap on top of his head, and a black chin. Their cheeks are white, and so is their underbelly.

Song/Sounds: Listen here.

                            Habitat: Forest and woodlands, groves, shade trees, residential areas, parks.  Primarily found in deciduous or mixed forest, not pure conifer stands.

Seasons in Keene: Often overwinters. Found year round in this area.

                                                Nest and Eggs:

Similar Species: Mountain Chickadee, Boreal Chickadee


      Population Trends: Associates in flocks. Nests all over North America. Population considered stable.

                                            Threats: Predators and habitat loss.

Fun Facts: Rarely eats at the feeder, but takes seed elsewhere to eat. the chickadee can be very acrobatic in its flight, even land upside down on perches.

                     Video: See here.