Red Winged Blackbird

Name (Latin):  Agelaius phoeniceus


Size: Larger than Chickadees and waxwings. Smaller than bluejays.

                 Description:Distinctive red partch on the shoulders of the adult male. Otherwise black. Female less distinctive, with more mottled appearence and no red patch.

Song/Sounds: Listen here

                            Habitat: Look for Red-winged Blackbirds in fresh and saltwater marshes, along watercourses, water hazards on golf courses, and wet roadsides, as well as drier meadows and old fields. In winter, you can find them at crop fields, feedlots, and pastures.

Seasons in Keene:Lives year round in this area, and in all of North America.

                                                Nest and Eggs:

Similar Species: Tri-colored blackbirds.


Population Trends: Population considered stable.

                    Threats:Predators, loss of wetland habitat.

Fun Facts: Males control distinct territories, sometimes as many as ten or more males in a single marsh. They then compete to draw females into their territory, away from competitors. This often leads to grand display flights over the entire habitat, and exposure of the full wing patch to warn off other males. 

                     Video: Watch here