Wood Thrush

Name (Latin): Hylocichla mustelina


 Size: Slightly smaller than the American Robin.

                       Description: Brown back. White chest. Spots on chest and underbelly. juvenile similar, with streaks.

Song/Sounds: Listen here  (Two Birds counter singing)

               Habitat: Lives in the interior forest. Not found on margins, field, or wetland habitat.

Seasons in Keene: Summer breeding season. Winters in Central America

                             Nest and Eggs: Open cup of leaves and grasses lined with mud, placed on lower limbs of tree or shrub

Similar Species: Veery, Hermit Thrush, Brown Thrasher


 Population Trends: Population stable, but habitat destruction poses a significant, if localized, threat.

             Threats: Susceptible to Cowbird parasitism. Also in danger from loss of habitat. Declines in Wood Thrush populations have been linked to acid rain and forest fragmentation.

Fun Facts: Thrushes have a complicated syrinx (song box) that allows them to sing two notes at the same time and harmonize with their own voice.

                     Video: Watch here