Canada Goose

Name (Latin): Branta canadensis


 Size: One of the largest birds in our area. Similar in size but distinctive fromhawks and vultures.

           Description:Large, white bellied bird with black neck, and white throat. Webbed feet aid in     identification. Fly in large flocks with characteristic "V" pattern.

                              Song/Sounds: Listen Here

            Habitat: Wetlands

Seasons in Keene: March through June. Sometimes as early as January. Very occasionally in July.

                                          Nest and Eggs:25-30 day incubation with a zealously protective gander (Male). Th young are led to the water 1 day after hatching.After hatchin, the gander is much more tolerant of other geese. The young from a single nest make up a "clutch." Often, several clutches from the same year will be combined to form a "creche."

Similar Species: There are 11 subspecies of geese, including the giant goose.

            Distribution: Across eastern and midwest North America.


Trends: The Canada goose, and several other related species, are becoming noticable tolerant of urban settings, even adapting to overwinter in cities in teh midwest. Golf courses, irrigation systems, and other artifical wetlands, combinged with a steady food source, have stimulated the species to adapt their behavior. 

                              Threats: Canada geese are often hit by comercial aviation, killed by impact or sucked into jet engines taking off or landing, due to the association of waterfowl friendly wetlands with airport buffer zones. The Canada goose is also losing much habitat on its migratory route to development. 

Fun Facts: Canada Geese mate for life. A family bond is created every year. Adults fly with the young of that season. When a flock lands, family groups split off on approach.

                     Video:    See here.